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HELITHE centre offers:

- learning traditional system of reiki 1, reiki 2reiki 3 and reiki 4 degrees
- courses focused on work with the Earth energy
- seminars focused on healing and development through sexual energy
- nourishing the body and soul with the energy of love
- transformation of negative emotional energy into a positive force
- techniques for the reinforcement of the inner strength and recovery of the body

- meditations25188964_m.jpg
- support of your personal growth and spiritual development
- therapy / healing /  harmonization (reiki, Earth energy, energy of love, massages, cosmic energy, etc.)
- consultations



The people naturally act as transmitters through which flows the energy of the universe and the energy of the planet Earth.
This process occurs automatically. These energies have a lot of beneficial effects and are indispensable for our life.

The present time and lifestyle often cause disconnection from these sources. This disconnection is due to many causes.


After disconnecting the body and mind begin to decay, come diseases, decline in mental performance or other psychological problems such as depressions, anxiety, feelings of sadness, etc.

The conscious work with these energies brings us into harmony of health and mental balance, they increase our mental skills, open the intuition and extrasensory perception.


Why Helithe?

Helithe is a source of light energy which penetrates into the very high frequencies of theta. This energy is identical with solar energy.

Helithe nourishes and heals with this energy everyone around.

